Become a 2025 member today
Join the club through this link: https://play.tennis.com.au/dunoontennisclub/Membership/Join
2025 memberships are now available and valid from December 2024 to December 2025, with great benefits!.
Why become a member??
As a member of Dunoon Tennis Club, you're making sure our village tennis courts stay vibrant, fun and available for the whole community. Membership is your opportunity to enjoy yourself on the courts, exercise outside and make friends with others in your local community.
What do I get for my money?
Dunoon Tennis Club members are entitled to unlimited free day-time court bookings. As a bonus in 2024 members are entitled to unlimited free day and evening court bookings under our LED lights.
Club members are also eligible to play in regular social night competitions, and to attend community tennis days free of charge.
How do I join?
Join right away through our online portal: https://play.tennis.com.au/dunoontennisclub/Membership/Join
Why join now?
Members will immediately be entitled to unlimited free day and evening court bookings until 31 December 2025! Join now to make the most of the unlimited free bookings for members.
Adult Membership (18+) - $60
Junior Membership (under 18) - $30
​Junior members aged 12 or under must be accompanied by an adult when using the courts
Family Membership - $150
​Covers two adults and unlimited children under 18 in the same household
How do I pay for membership?
Fees can be paid online via your credit card during the registration process.
Join today and get on the court!